According to police, a grenade strike in Lyari's Bihar Colony on Monday night resulted in at least one death and six injuries.

Media were informed by South DIG Syed Asad Raza that hand grenades were thrown outside a shop that had been closed for months by unknown people on a motorbike before they left the site.

According to the police officer, the incident appears to have been random with no clear aim, but they are still looking into its motivation.

Sixteen persons were reported injured, including Razia Mohammed Ali, 35, who was listed as very ill before she passed away from her wounds, according to the DIG.

Dr. Ruth Pfau Civil Hospital in Karachi was the destination of all the injured individuals, according to him, who were onlookers.

Ahsan Nabi, Wansh Dileep Kumar, Ateeqa Adam, Adil Adam, Zohaib Javed, and Khairullah were named among them.

SSP Old City officials were contacted by Sindh Inspector General of Police Dr. Raffat Mukhtar Raja to obtain information about the attack.

Kamran Khan Tessori, the governor of Sindh, also noted the occurrence and instructed the commissioner of Karachi to brief him separately.

In addition, he underlined the necessity of making sure the incident's victims receive the finest medical care possible.